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  • hannah30497

Messy Church Goes Wild - World Honeybee Day

World honey bee day was yesterday and it fell on a day that we had Messy Church Goes Wild so we spent our Messy service thinking about Bees. This included making some cool bee baths (shallower than bird baths with plenty of places for bees and butterflies and small insects to perch and still be able to reach the water)

We also toasted bread over the fire and used our toast to taste test three different types of honey. Our younger members preferred the cheep supermarket own brand honey whereas the older one of us preferred the local honey. We marvelled at how Bees can make different honey from different flowers and how much variety there is in creation.

We also thought about how we can look after creation by caring for bees and other insects so we made our bee baths to take home, and also decorated some bug hotels which will be going up around St Dunstans churchyard. 🐜 🐛 🐞 🐝

Messy Church Goes Wild helps us to worship God in and through creation and to think about how we can protect what God has made. It is aimed at families with children but if you are an adult who would like to help run our session do be in touch with Hannah. Our next Messy Church Goes Wild will be on Saturday 26th October back at St Dunstans churchyard.

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