We have an exciting course starting this Sunday afternoon - Exploring Prayer

Prayer is such an important part of Christian life, but is something that we all struggle with. We hope that these sessions will help us to explore different ways of praying and will excite us with the possibilities and wonder of connecting with God in new ways.
This is a course that you can dip in and out of - you do not need to be able to go to every session.
We will be meeting 4-5.30 on Sunday afternoon for the next 5 weeks in St Dunstans Church Hall. The sessions will be lead by different members of the clergy team each week and we look forward to exploring this topic with you.
If you want to join in prayer during the week we do have regular prayer services across the parish and online, as well as our regular church services on Sundays and Wednesday morning:
Monday 7.30am - Morning Prayer at St Oswalds (if you cannot make the service you can get the prayer points to guide your prayers during the week on Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp - ask Hannah to add you to the list)
Tuesday 9.30pm - Night Prayer on Holy Ground Facebook page
Thursday 8.30am - Morning prayer on Zoom. The link to join is
Meeting ID: 863 1677 4767
Passcode: 123
These times of prayer are open to everyone and no experience or knowledge is needed to join in.