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We are asking everyone in the parish and beyond to consider the following:

  • If you would like to make a one-off payment, you can:

    • Make an online donation (see below)

    • Contact us for details of how to make an online payment or to whom a cheque should be made out and sent

  • If you give by regular standing order, please review your offering and increase it if possible;

  • If you give by our envelope scheme or regularly place cash in our collection plate when you are in church, please: 

    • put this to one side for a bulk payment later in the year;

    • make a one-off payment through our online donations (see below);

    • Contact us for details of how to make an online payment or to whom a cheque should be made out and sent

Donate with PayPal


In the Parish of Cheam, we have to raise all the money needed for our activities, running costs, and buildings maintenance ourselves.  We have neither support from the state nor large reserves to fall back on.  We raise this money from a combination of giving from our congregations, fundraising events, and renting our halls.


Please find a Guide to Giving and a Response form which we've handed out in Church.


A substantial part of our income comes from private donations.  There are several ways to contribute to the life of our parish:


One-Off Payments

  • Cash donations can be made into the collection plates at our services.  At St Dunstan’s and St Oswald's, we are able to take contactless card payments.

  • You can make single payments straight into our bank account by following the below ‘Donate’ button. 

  • If you would like your donation to go to a specific church (St Dunstan’s, St Alban’s, or St Oswald’s), please email our Treasurer with your name, the date of your donation, the amount given, and the church you wish to donate to.


Regular Payments


We have a Planned Giving Scheme, also known as Stewardship.  There are two ways of giving through our scheme:


  • Giving by Standing Order is our preferred method of giving. Payments allow you to plan your giving directly from you bank and you don’t have to worry about having money or a card on Sundays.

  • Alternatively you can give through our Envelope Scheme. We provide you with an orange envelope for each week of the year. You put your envelope with your offering in the collection on Sundays.  If you do not attend church each week, you put your envelopes to one side and bring them together when you do.


If you would like to join our planned giving scheme, please email the Parish Office with details of which of three churches you would like to give to.  Your information will then be passed on to the relevant person.


Gift Aid allows churches to recover 25p of every £1 that you give. This boosts your offering by a quarter. If you are a higher rate taxpayer you can claim back the difference between higher and lower rate tax on the amount given.


If you are a UK taxpayer, let your giving work harder for the parish.  Please email the Parish Office and your details will be passed on to the relevant person.

Donate with PayPal


St Dunstan’s Church

Church Road





Tel: 0300 330 1456. 
Cheam PCC: Registered Charity No. 1134780


Privacy Policy

© 2018 Cheam Parish

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