Are you thinking about baptism (sometimes called ‘christening’) either for you or one of your children? We’d be very glad to explore this with you.
Baptism is one of the Church’s sacraments – a visible sign of God’s love for us. Jesus was himself baptized as he began his own ministry. He told his followers to baptize others as a sign that they had turned away from their old life and begun a new life with him. In the Church of England, it is common to baptize young children and this is sometimes known as ‘Christening’. Whether you are seeking baptism for yourself or for your child, it marks a new start: a decision to follow Jesus Christ within the family of the Church.
If you are considering baptism for you or your child in our parish, you will need either to live within our parish boundaries or be a regular worshipper at St Dunstan’s, St Alban’s, or St Oswald’s. Baptisms at St Dunstan’s usually take place at 11.30am on the second and fourth Sunday of each month. If you would prefer, baptisms can also take place during the 9.30am Sunday Parish Eucharist. Baptisms at St Alban’s and St Oswald’s take place by arrangement.
We like to leave at least two months between making contact with us and the date of the baptism. We hope that you will be able to attend church services during this time. This allows us to get to know you better and gives you the chance to get to know our church. You will need to attend a preparation meeting which will usually take place within two weeks of the baptism services.
For further enquiries and to book a baptism at any one of our churches, please contact the Parish Office and complete the Baptism form
For more information about baptism in the Church of England, please click here.